Posts in goals
21 days of time tracking with TimeTag: Day 2

My writing and meditating habits have been going well -- I did an 11 minute meditation yesterday, and spent 21 minutes writing. I haven't yet been able to go for a run (or more honestly, I haven't yet set aside the time to go running).

I want to discuss a strategy that has helped me in the past with habits like running -- which I need to employ myself, quickly, if I am to hit my weekly goal.

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21 days of time tracking with TimeTag: Day 1

Day 1! I guess today is technically day two and yesterday was really day 1, but let's pretend that I count like an engineer or software developer, and still call today day 1.

Anyway. It went great -- I setup my TimeTag Goals as discussed. I made good progress on my Meditation goal (I actually did 20 minutes yesterday instead of only 10), and I wrote quite a bit. I did not run yesterday (I like to have Sundays as rest days), but I'll make sure to do that today.

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21 days of time tracking with TimeTag: Day 0

Time tracking is an interesting practice. For some, it's required. For others, it's optional but really helpful. For others, it's a chore.

This year, I decided I want to perform an experiment. I'm going to begin to diligently track my time every day for 21 days, and log my journey here on Capparsa's blog — specifically tracking against some goals I have for myself.

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Putting my phone down and instead looking up for a change

I often find myself opening up my email 2-3 seconds after closing it, as if I'm going to find something new there. 

Other times I'll pick up my phone, unlock it to check the weather, and then spend 15 minutes scrolling mindlessly through Instagram.

Why do I exist in these maddening loops?

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How to Actually Achieve Your Goals

Goals are a funny thing. We start with the best of intentions when setting a goal. We create a future we want for ourselves, and we can so strongly imagine that we're already there. We think about how good we're going to feel waking up on that day in exactly the spot we want to be-- whether it's a fitness related goal of running a marathon, or a business one of being able to pay yourself a decent salary off your own work, or something personal like finding a relationship that fulfills you. 

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