Find the productivity method for you
The website,, once asked their readers to share with them the methods they use to stay productive thoughout the day. Many people responded with a variety of different answers. A few methods stood out and LifeHacker shared those on their site.
Here are 3 of those techniques explained for you.
The Pomodoro Technique is relatively simple. All you need is work that needs to be done and a timer. Set your timer to 25 minutes and work on one task. When the timer rings, you can take a break. Every 4 times you use the timer, you may take a longer break
This technique has its cons as well. It works well if you are isolated and it isn'tideal if your task involves interacting with others. Interruptions can easily throw you off. Some say that it also doesn't work well for someone who gets into a work flow and doesn't want to stop working after only 25 minutes. The good thing is, it is flexible. If you feel you need to work for a longer period of time, set your timer for 45 minutes or an hour.
Try it for yourself. Customize it if you need to. If it's not a fit for you, try something else.
The Getting Things Done method is based on the book of the same title by David Allen. Allen suggest that the best way to get things done is to get all your tasks and ideas out of your mind and onto an external source, be it on
paper or an electronic device. He also suggest two key elements. The first is control which encourages you to have a “mind like water” by writing down your tasks and achieving the six “horizons of focus.” The second is perspective. This suggest that the perspective gained from writing things down changes ones priorities.
This method goes much deeper than what I have explained here. If you'd like to learn more check out this website.
The Don't Break the Chain technique asks you to focus on one thing that needs to get done and do it for the same amount of time every day. Each day, mark on a calendar or planner that it got done. Eventually those check marks will serve as their own motivation. As human nature dictates, you won't want to “break the chain.”
Of course, this technique doesn't take sick days or days off into account. But for the person who thrives on a predictable schedule, this is gold!
LifeHacker mentioned in their article that most of the people who answered had their own method of managing their time. Some of those methods were specific only to that person, some were mixtures of different methods. If you find that you can't find a method that completely works for you, try to customize it, or mash it up with another one. There's no right or wrong answer here and that is the beauty of time management. It's all about finding the productivity method for you!
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