Capparsa Insider: TimeTag 6.0.1 Coming soon!
Just wanted to give a heads up to our awesome TimeTag customers that 6.0.1 is in the works! We'll be focused on bug fixing related to syncing, fixing some random crashes, and addressing some localization issues with currency. We'll also likely update the Mac version (4.01) to deal with similar issues there :)
Thank you so much to everyone who sent in feedback, and emailed us helpful reports of what's going on! It's incredibly useful to dig deeper about bug reports since then we can address the issue much faster, and get a fix out. If you ever have a problem with the app, please don't hesitate to contact us!
I'll be back soon with more updates! After this minor fix release, we have some exciting things planned for 6.1 and beyond, including:
- Importing tags via a CSV file (for even faster loading up of tags/categories)
- Archiving tags (lets you hide them from the main list without having to delete them and wipe out the old time record relationships)
- Some more export customizations