Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Productivity
Ah perfectionism. Perfectionism is like chocolate cake. It looks good, it tastes good, but essentially, it’s bad for you. Don’t get me wrong. It IS good to do you’re very best and desire for it to be perfect. But too much of anything is bad for you right? Just like chocolate cake.
The definition of perfectionism is, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable. It sounds like a great concept until it’s taken literally. Here’s a disclaimer for life: nothing will ever be truly perfect. Just yesterday I was re-reading a piece that I’d written and found about 5 errors. And that was after I’d already edited it a couple of times. So, what does that mean for perfectionists. It means they have a dilemma.
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3 Tips to Brainstorm Like a Boss
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: I come up with the greatest ideas…at the worst times. Yesterday, I was driving home and blasting music when the best blog post idea dropped into my head. Obviously, I couldn’t just reach over and write it down in a notebook because I was DRIVING. I get so mad at my brain sometimes. I couldn’t help it though, I knew I’d forget it by the time I got home, so I reached over and recorded the idea into my phone.
I asked myself later why I can’t seem to come up with great ideas when I’m actually brainstorming?? I researched it and came up with these 3 tips for making your brainstorming session as productive as when you’re sitting in your car blasting Paramore.
Grab an umbrella because it’s about to start raining ideas. <— (Yes, I know. Cheesiest joke ever.)
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Redefining Productivity
This blog goes out to all of you who are stressed out at the idea of being more productive. Let me ask you some questions. What is productivity to you? If you answered, “get more done” then you probably need to read this. If you’re the one telling yourself that best way to be productive is to never leave your desk until you’ve accomplished all that you need to, then I think it’s time for you to reevaluate your definition of productivity.
The idea behind productivity should be more than just getting more tasks done in a certain amount of time. It should be about achieving more satisfaction in your work! Yes, if you get more done, the more satisfied you’ll be but if that’s all that you’re worried about, you’ll probably get stuck in an endless cycle of ‘do more.’ You’ll never be satisfied. Productivity isn’t about the work. It’s about you getting your time and your life back. Once you understand that, your whole view will change.
Here are a few things you can do to redefine how you work.
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Productivity Preparation: 4 Things to help you be more productive
There are three things I know. As a college student, I know how important it is to plan ahead and not fall behind in my school work. I also know how important it is to manage my time correctly so I’m not stuck doing two assignments in one night. Being more productive at school or when I’m working is a great goal and there are many people who have the same goal. Here’s the third thing I know: planning to be more productive instead of preparing to be more productive is setting myself up for failure.
I plan to be more productive all the time. That doesn’t mean I am more productive. A plan is an intention, it’s the awareness that you want to do something. Preparation puts action to your plan and can provide more incentive to get things done.
Whether you're a student or you are looking to be more productive in the workplace, these tips will help you get started and stay on track.
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Benefits of keeping a productivity journal
If you’re like me, you often look back on the week and think to yourself: what on earth did I actually get done this week? Did I actually do anything I needed to do? It’s really easy to feel productive without ever really being productive, and it’s even easier to forget if anything you did actually moved you towards your goals.
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Methods of Maintaining Motivation
It’s that time of year once more where we’ve all set new years resolutions. And we FULLY intend to achieve them this time. For some, those goals may be weight related. For others it may be work related. One way or another the motivation and desire to achieve those goals is there. There’s only one problem that you know is there but you’re refusing to acknowledge it. The motivation will eventually wane, and you’ll be in the same place you were on December 31st.
Obviously, no one wants this to happen. So here are just a few tips to get you thinking about maintaining your motivation.
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