We all have these, don’t even try to deny it. These little quirks we developed over the years or productivity tips that became bad habits are holding us down! They are keeping us from our untapped potential. Here are a few of them.
Read MoreThe phrase “multitasking” came into our vernacular very quickly. It took over the work world and it wasn’t long before one of the main questions asked in job interviews became “how well do you multitask?” In a similar way, it also wasn’t long before the hype around multitasking diminished. People began to say “multitasking will ruin your brain”, “multitasking will train you to not be focused”, “multitasking ruins the quality of your work.”
Well, I like to say that anything can be bad for you if you use it in the wrong way. Most of the claims that multitasking is an inefficient method of working are correct. Constantly allowing your focus to be spread thin is counter-productive. Focus is like a muscle in that the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. To stretch it means to be unable to give your full attention to the task you are presently working on. This, in turn, results in low quality work. However, there IS a time and place for multitasking.
For the past 4 years I have endured long commutes due to the fact that I live out in the middle of small town Texas. Pretty much everywhere I go it takes at least half an hour to get there without traffic. With traffic, forget about it. Recently, I have added one more place to go and I believe this is the longest commute yet. It gets quite boring in the car by yourself. Because of this I’m always looking for new music to listen to and when that gets boring I tend to “radio hop” from station to station. Eventually, all the stations end up on commercials at the same time.
If you’re in the same mental traffic jam that I am, here are a couple of ways to entertain yourself and also increase productivity during your commute! Win win!
Your emotions are connected to everything. To your social life, to your family life, and also your work life. People have come up with this idea that work is suppose to be professional and for that reason it should be void of emotion. But it’s super linked. Your emotions are tied to work in a way that when you’re doing well, your work is doing well, and when you’re not so great, your work suffers.
Here are a couple of way that emotional well-being impact you work life.
Have you ever found out that something you thought was true, was actually false? Those ‘my whole life is a lie’ moments can happen to anyone and it’s particularly frustrating when the real answer actually makes complete sense and you can’t figure out why you ever believed the other thing in the first place. I have had moments like that, specifically with the topic of productivity.
Here are some productivity myths that you should stop believing.
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