Distraction is Killing My Productivity

I am very easily distracted. You honestly have no idea--Even in writing this, even just one sentence in, my thoughts have already bounced to different things. I'm writing in full-screen mode so that I'm at least less tempted to jump into another app or to respond to a notification... but the damage of the years and years of responding to buzzes and thoughts and ideas is deep.

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Gratefulness and productivity - How being grateful has helped me be more productive

Gratefulness and productivity don't immediately seem like two things that go together. Gratefulness is about being thankful for what you have-- no matter what it is. Productivity is about getting things done and working on things you (hopefully) care about, and achieving goals that matter to you.

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How to Actually Achieve Your Goals

Goals are a funny thing. We start with the best of intentions when setting a goal. We create a future we want for ourselves, and we can so strongly imagine that we're already there. We think about how good we're going to feel waking up on that day in exactly the spot we want to be-- whether it's a fitness related goal of running a marathon, or a business one of being able to pay yourself a decent salary off your own work, or something personal like finding a relationship that fulfills you. 

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The perfect moment to start something will never come

It’s November. Somehow, after what seemed like just a few quick moments, we’ve arrived at November and it’s almost the end of the year 2017.

Not sure how these things happen, but it seems to happen every single year. We start off with all these plans and goals and ideas, and then out of no where, it’s November, and we’re left scratching our heads wondering where all the time went— and worse, we’re now looking ahead to 2018 and saying THAT will be the year that we achieve all our goals.

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The idea of being a freelancer is often represented as a solitary act. You're on your own, fighting the world, no one to help out, no one to catch you if you fall.

I think this is an unfortunate idea-- I honestly don't think anyone is fully on their own, and if they are, they'd be better off finding a community of people to help them out. We make each other stronger, we build each other up, and we can also help out on ideas and execution!

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Passion is going for it

For me, passion is ignoring all the reasons it might not work, ignoring the critics, ignoring the voice in my mind that says I'm not good enough to accomplish it.

Passion is foregoing the 'safe bet' in favor of taking the leap. Passion is putting it all on the line because nothing else makes any sense to me.

Passion is following my heart.

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