Compositions App (iOS) Update
So a funny thing happened. I made Compositions for iOS free yesterday morning, thinking nothing of it. I didn't even tweet about it. It's been an app I haven't updated in a while so I felt bad charging anything for it.
Well, I woke up this morning to an email telling me it was downloaded a ridiculous number of times and now I've gotten a lot of emails with feature requests. It's really exciting but it also means I have some work to do!
So here's what is going to change in the coming weeks:
1) Completely re-written syncing logic with Dropbox
2) Renaming files will be 5000% easier.
3) Hopefully I can get native .txt editing added, if you don't care about snapshots.
There will be more to come, but #1 and #2 will be highest priority!
Stay tuned for more updates!