21 days of time tracking with TimeTag: Day 21
Day 21 - After 21 days of goal tracking, I'm happy to report that my meditation goal is as sticky as ever -- I'm keeping to the 10 minutes a day, right between my coffee and my walk with my dog. It's been great -- I feel less like it's a decision I make, and more like it's an automatic action I take. That's the magic of a habit -- we do it without much thought, and without having to self-negotiate on whether or not we want to do it.
As far as running goes, I actually had an injury that stopped me from being able to keep running -- it's a minor one, but it forced me to rest. Things like that are going to happen — it won’t throw me off my goal. I am still proud of the few times I got out there and ran, and I know that once I'm healthy enough again I'll be get right back to it.
As far as writing goes, I beat my previous month's (honestly, year's?) time in terms of how much writing I got accomplished -- which is a huge win, too.
Overall, I was successful on my meditation goal, and partly successful on my writing & running goals. Some may see that as a failure -- but here's the whole magic thing about goals that I keep writing about. As long as they're important to you, you can go right back to trying. Starting and stopping and starting again -- that's part of the journey just as much as people who can start a habit suddenly without so much as a hiccup.
I'm happy I was able to use TimeTag in this unique way -- the app originally started out as a way for me to log & bill my hours when I was a freelance developer (and it's still great for that), but it's been fun to be able to keep using it for things like goal tracking. I hope you find success in whatever goals you have set -- and remember that even if you falter you can keep going as long as it really matters!
Best of luck to you all, and remember to download your version of TimeTag if you don't have it already! You can try out the Pro version for free (1 week or 1 month depending on the subscription purchased) and see what Goals is all about. Cheers!