3 Tips for Improving Focus
I challenge you to read through this post without being distracted by something. Do you think you can?
Distraction is not a new problem. People will always have days when they need to make themselves focus on one task to get it done.
There are ways to train yourself to focus better. For some, it might be as simple as making up their mind to do it. Others might need all the help they can get.
Here are 3 tips for improving focus, and what you can do to train it.
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3 Cool Ways To Use TimeTag Time Management
TimeTag (Time Management) is built in a way that almost anyone can use it and get value from it. I’ve seen some really interesting ways that people use TimeTag and would love to share some of them here to see if it sparks any ideas in you!
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One Size Fits None: Productivity for Different Personalities
You've probably heard the term “one size fits all!” Usually, the phrase is used to describe clothing or something that is meant to be used by anyone. But, let's face it. This is counter productive because we all know that no one is the same. No one looks, talks, walks, understands, or works the same as anyone else.
So, why do we try to tell each other how to work productively? Let's look at several ways that some personality types might work differently.
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Practical Productivity Tips: Start your day with a cold shower
I’m now over 120 days into taking a cold shower every morning— a full cold shower from start to finish. The kind of shower that you literally have to count down from 5 every morning to step into and then deal with the shock of the cold (and question your sanity a little bit as to why you do this).
Well, one of the biggest reasons for me starting the cold shower habit is that it’s one of the healthiest and most productive things I do for myself every day. I actually can’t recommend it enough— it’s changed how I start my days, and how much I get done in the few hours after stepping out from the shower.
A lot has been written about the health effects of taking cold showers— it’s supposed to help your immune system, increase your metabolism, improve your body’s thermoregulation, improves your mood, and way more. Today I want to focus on some of the intangible benefits— the emotional benefits of taking a cold shower every morning.
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Creative Ways to Increase Productivity: Doodling!
Every once in a while I get writers block. (Okay fine, it happens often). I do a variety of things to break down my writers block. Sometimes I stare off into space and let my mind wander while I listen to music until it settles on something I can write about. Other times I have to simply start writing and see what happens. Those techniques work most of the time. When they don't, I have to resort to more drastic measures: doodling.
No, you didn't read that wrong, I did say doodling. I doodle to literally get my creative juices flowing, as well as getting my brain in the mood to focus. It allows my mind to relax and open up to new ideas that may pop up.
You don't believe that it works? Here are three riveting facts about doodling:
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Creating Accountability as a Freelancer: 3 Tips & Tricks
When I first started as a freelancer, I quickly took to the life style of being able to control my own hours. I absolutely love the freedom that comes with being able to work on my own— no one is setting a schedule for me, or expecting me in at work at a certain time, or telling me I can’t take vacation whenever I want. Honestly it’s one of the best perks of the job.
However, as with many other things in life, there’s a downside to this kind of freedom: it comes with a lot of personal responsibility and accountability. That was a struggle for me early on in life, and one that I have worked on through the years. Thankfully now I have years of experience behind me. Hopefully I can help someone starting out now with accountability as a freelancer.
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